
ZAGORI PET bottle 500ml

The easiest way to stay hydrated every moment of the day!

Our popular 0.5L PET bottle is just the right size to accompany you in all moments of your daily life challenges.

The product is available in all water selling points.

82,2 Ασβέστιο / Ca++
2,67 Μαγνήσιο / Mg++
0,0 NH4 +
2,51 Νάτριο / Na+
0,82 Κάλιο / K+
7,8 pH
243,7 HCO
3,23 Cl -
0,0 NO 2

Your daily choice!

Whether you’re playing sport, at the office or relaxing at home, our most popular packs easily provide, through different sizes, the hydration you need.